The Previvor Lifestyle

Written by Cofounder, Sheila Adams Gardner

This week I had my one year check-up with my nurse practitioner at Inova Saville Cancer Screening and Prevention Center. I connected with the center last year after learning about my ovarian and breast cancer related gene mutation, RAD 51D. Although I chose prophylactic surgeries to manage my cancer risks, I felt a need to have an anchor in a cancer prevention center to stay abreast of any changes in the recommended care.

Almost one year post double mastectomy and reconstruction, I was excited about the appointment. We discussed the recent revisions to the data for my gene mutation; reviewed my schedule for routine surveillance for colon and skin cancers, and made my appointment for next year. As I left the center, I felt flooded with emotions. I felt proud that I had struck cancer FIRST. My prophylactic oophorectomy and breast surgeries ensured that I will never get ovarian cancer and reduced my chances of getting breast cancer by 95%. I felt supported having added a cancer prevention team to my yearly healthcare schedule. I felt grateful to be thriving with RAD 51D—managing my risks for cancer and staying ready to fight. Being a “Previvor” is more than just being a person with an elevated risk of developing cancer, it is a lifestyle of proactive cancer prevention. Knowing about your elevated risk makes you a Previvor. Managing that risk turns a Previvor into a Thriver! Join the fight. KNOW YOUR RISK. MANAGE YOUR RISK. BEAT HEREDITARY CANCER!


National Previvor Day!